Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Do you want to increase the plants in your garden or share a favorite one with a friend!

Recently, I read a fantastic article in our local newspaper, the Rochester Post Bulletin, that I am sharing with you today.

Robin Fruth-Dugstad, who heads up our local college Horticulture Department, is a regular contributor of gardening articles to our newspaper.  She always has such good information and this one is a clip out an save one!

I'm not shy about splitting a perennial and just dig right in.  But not all the pieces survive well because I am not aware of  "what method works best for the various perennials!  This will enable me to be more successful!   

This article covers all the successful ways to divide the various kinds of perennials!  I saved a digital copy as well as a printed copy and I am laminating a copy so it will be handy  right on my garden bench!  

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