Friday, September 18, 2015

My favorite reward from rain!

In 1999 a friend gave me a pot of very small bulbs all planted and told me to set them in full sun and watch for the beautiful lily type flowers that bloom  following a rain!

Common name "Rain Flower or Rain Lily"

Since then I've divided it a few times and shared with other friends.  When winter comes, I simply move the pot into the basement where it rests until spring without water or any light or attention!

When spring comes I simply bring up the pot, clean off the dried dead foliage, water it well and sit it in a full sun spot outside!  Before long, especially after a rain (something about the rain that works best to produce blooms), and suddenly I find these lovely pink flowers soaking up the sunshine and my smile!

What is it?  A variety of  Zephranthes!  It is a zone 9 so it is not winter hardy outdoors above zone 9 (which is way south).

This spring I forgot about it in the basement and discovered  it  late August sitting there with the dried up leaves still waiting for me!  Oops!  So, I took it outdoors, cleaned off  the dead  foliage, watered it well and was surprised within a week to find it full of green  foliage and a lovely flower greeting me with "hello and thanks"!

I think I need to divide it this spring and share it with some friends!  Email me if you are interested in some and live in SE  MN!

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