Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hostas in a container solved a problem!

I have many hostas in a large shade garden bed at home that is along the sidewalk and our driveway.
Right on that corner I have had a mature Golden Tiara for 10 years.  I finally got tired of the leaves hanging over onto the grass becoming very tattered and ragged looking as the result of my lawn mower person feels those leaves are in his way when mowing his grass and he isn't very respectful to them!

This spring I had several hostas and shade plants that didn't fit into garden beds any more (no space left to plant in) and resorted to making some planters with them!  They have been more than useful as I can place them in different areas that can use a bit of fill at different times!  As I was looking around for a spot for this planter I spotted my sad looking Golden Tiara on that corner and dug it out and plunked down the container! Presto,  the lawn mower never got a chance at a hurting  hosta leaves in  that location again!  And it was very attractive all  summer long!  Fall is beginning to affect  some of the leaves, but it is still looking mighty fine for Sept.!  It has two different hostas and a fern and they have been very happy together welcoming the active walking neighbors as well as those vehicles who drive in our driveway!  Yep, the container will spend a cozy winter in the garage!

Oh, the old  friend, Golden Tiara, was split into several hostas and found new homes at my annual garden club's plant sale in May!  Golden Tiara was one of my first hostas and I purchased it at a small town garden club sale 19 years ago for fifty cents and has a split of it in a hosta bed at our cabin yet!

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