Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Check this out....

I am sharing  with you a garden blog that I have been following now for over a year.

I met this lovely woman last spring when I was developing a Bus Garden Tour for our local  garden club to the Mankato MN area.  I had heard that I should probably check her out as a potential garden stop for the tour.  So, my husband and I were able to locate her location and drove there one day to sneak a peak and found she was at the end of a long farm driveway so we couldn't see anything!  So, I picked up my cell phone and called her explaining who I was and why I was calling.  She found out I was sitting in a car at the end of her driveway and promptly invited us to drive on in.  Yes, you do meet the nicest of people when you meet a gardener!

End result, a truly delightful  new gardening friend, and a wonderful inspiring garden location on the tour I was working on, which proved very popular with the tour attendees!  She also introduced me to her blog, which gave me the incentive and encouragement to start one of my own!

She is a guest blog right now on an interesting site and wrote more words than she usually does.  She primarily uses few words along with some awesome photos she takes.  I think you will enjoy  "her short story".  It is also a clue as to her delightful personality!

check this blog post here!

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