Monday, August 17, 2015

Fair Time

Yes, I decided to enter a few things in our local area fair this year!

 I had taught a class in mini gardening and fairy gardening earlier this year.  I had stressed beginning with landscape design using plants that were compatable and planted in an attractive design before adding the fairy garden accessories.  So, once I removed the fairy garden accessories at fair time, I had some container plantings that fit in several categories.  The results were interesting.   I also entered several hosta leaves resulting in a total of 2 blue ribbons, 7 red ribbons, and 2 white ribbons and a total of $17 in premium money!  I have my eye on a new climetis so maybe I'll spend the prize money on that!

This was my 'Out of Africa' fairy garden with a giraffe, elephant and armadillo in it!
After removing the accessories I entered it in the  'Hosta Container'  class and it looked
 a bit on the skimpy side instead of lush, thus third place!

This was entered in the  'Fairy Garden'  class.  The judge commented more plants needed.
Maybe less beach space would have been more to her liking?  Plants were definately compatable
and appropriate to the theme as well as landscape design good.  

This was a 'Desert Theme' fairy garden with a fairy standing at the top of the step
and a desert critter lower left.  I entered it in the 'Outdoor Succulent Container' class.

This was for fun!  I had planted it last spring and when winter came I left for 3 months to AZ
without finding a new home for it.  So I just left it in the living room near a large window that had closed drapes.
I came home it looked alive but fragile so I watered it well and after a few weeks it was nice enough to put outdoors on my sheltered porch.  With more light and water it just plumped up looking very healthy and was lovely all summer enjoying the great Minnesota outdoors.  So, I entered it in the 'Specimen Succulent'  class!  Got a red ribbon!
It is a Pepperonia plant and is about a foot tall!

I sadly noticed again that overall entries were definately decreased in quantity again.  Wondering just what will be happening in the future.

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