Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Clematis Wilt

I so love my clematis but notice I have a problem, usually mid summer, with some of  my larger flower hybrids.  They grow great and flower the first time but the repeat bloomers often don't bloom repeat blooms later and get stems that just die.  Not the whole plant, just some of the stems.

So, I looked up on the internet (handy dandy gardening tool) to learn what to do.  Sounds simple enough to treat so I will go shopping looking for a systemic fungicide and do some pruning to the ground on the dead stems.  I have pruned in the past and the plant bounces back in  the spring again.  Would like to see if I can resolve this issue.

Have any of you had this problem and were successful in treating it?
   email me:  kjgardengate@charter.net

I found the most helpful website:


 Click here for a link to clematis wilt

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