Saturday, August 15, 2015

County Fair Time

Do you ever enter anything in your local county fair?

Why not?  It's fun to share with others what you've created!  The ribbons are nice but not the objective, they are the frosting on the cake!

You'll find gardening categories to enter from house plants to those zinnias that look so great right now!

My dear friend, Pauline, once again entered a spectacular mixed planter and was rewarded with another "Best of Show" ribbon!  Pauline's reached that stage in life where her gardening is done in containers on her deck.  She usually picks the one that looks the best at fair time and has been having fun in her retirement time collecting ribbons!

Pauline actually didn't start gardening or floral arranging until she retired and came with me to check out our local garden club!  She got hooked in a new hobby and has been having loads of fun!

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