Sunday, April 19, 2015

Perennial planters survive MN winter again!

A week earlier than last year, I gathered my supplies and tackled the fun of finding what fairy garden plants and containers of hostas with companion plants survived the MN winter in my garage and help them wake up to spring. 

Looks like a garden bed in the yard at this point!
Ready for sunshine!

 I gathered my tools and supplies for this fun task and enjoyed the sunshine in the driveway as I "woke" up my special gardens.  Armed with my bucket of saved compost from last year, a jar of Osmocote fertilizer, a kitchen fork and spoon and my favorite pruner for deadheading and flower arranging I was delighted to discover almost all the dwarf perennials and trees were already awake and looking for sunshine and water!  Hostas were all poking up under the dried leaves, etc.  How exciting!  This is a week ahead of last year's event when I didn't see much of anything up so this early spring is wonderful!  This year I was treated to several plants ready to be split!   I took off the leaves and dead plant material, sprinkled some compost on the top with the fertilizer and scratched it all in using my fork, watered it all well and left them on the driveway to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air!  They looked  so happy!
This  miniature garden Aug. 2014

I have some exciting new accessories to add to this one and decisions to make about what different plants I may want to use! 

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