Saturday, April 11, 2015

A welcome home greeting in my gardens!

What a way to be welcomed home to MN spring!


A few days ago we arrived home from 3 months in AZ to find a normal spring time in MN!  Yipeee!  The snow is gone, tulips are up 4-6" high already, and early spring flowers are peeking up looking for me!  What a treat after the last two late springs!

I love crocus for so many reasons!  Their bright spot of color heralding the awakening of other plants with their special colors, shapes and bloom times!  To plant a garden is to have faith in the future and crocus don't disappoint me! 

Many years ago I planted some crocus bulbs along the edge of my main hosta bed that begins less than 2 feet from a sidewalk.  This way crocus get to greet our neighborhood walkers also!  I often wonder how many smiles they get!

Check this website out for some interesting information on this wonderful sign of spring busting out!  Just click on this:

Crocus readily multiply but one just cannot have too many crocus planted so put them on your shopping list for fall planting!  When they are done blooming they just hide back in the ground and let other nearby plants strut their stuff! 

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