Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's white out there...

and cold!  I am missing my green and flowers and stepping outdoors without a jacket on!  Snowbird friends are showing up in our favorite AZ location but I'm not jealous yet.  They tell me it is in the 90's and that's a bit too warm for me beyond a day or so.  But the white scene out the window here looks nice and clean and fresh so I'll settle for that until after the holidays. 

Not quite ready to look for gardening catalogs and here comes an email today from a quality hosta website with their catalog with new offerings for 2015!  Also their announcement of reducing the number of older varieties they are carrying!  Gee, does this mean some of my favorite hostas will become more valuable?  Or, just hard to find?  Time will  tell.

If you want to peek at what new varieties may be on the market in 2015, check out this website:  I'm not into buying hostas over the internet. I'd rather purchase hostas that have spent some growing time in my part of the country if possible and are more mature than a year or two, but its fun to look. 

Some of my golden oldies at the lake!

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