Monday, July 7, 2014

Old friends are treasures in life.....

Among our friends it is the ones that have stayed in our lives for a long time that provide us with a special joy with their "staying power" in our lives.  Likewise our plant friends that continue to be faithful providing our gardens with beauty that is always reliable, familiar and comforting.


My old friend, climatis 'Huldine'. came into my life when we purchased our cabin in 1992.  I don't know how long she had been there but before long her blooms became less and less as the shade from a nearby tree became more dense.  So, I decided to transplant her 75 miles away into one of my garden beds at home that would provide her with more sunshine in her life!  Yes, she loved her new home and our 22 year relationship has grown into one of those I treasure dearly. 

I even provide her with friends to mingle with, like "Frick and Frack", her two knights in shining armor, as well as a substantial trellis, which is an ornate metal headboard I rescued from a dumpster!

In the spring I prune off all her previous growth until she is only a foot high and she rewards us and our neighbor, Mary, with a huge display of stunning white beauty beginning in June and continues for at least 6 weeks then tapers off to fewer flowers for weeks after that.

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