Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Munsinger Clements Gardens, St. Cloud, MN

 Finally a week of lower temperatures in SE MN!  Time to escape the city limits of our town for an adventure for a day!  It has been years since I visited the St. Cloud area famous Munsinger and Clements gardens along the Mississippi River!  I recall how absolutely beautiful the plantings are designed with different colors featured in each area!  A huge variety of focus on sun areas as well as shade areas also focusing on color and a variety of shade loving plants! 

Denny previously had not been there so he was pleasing me.  He quickly moved into picture taking mode when he discovered these are not the usual gardens he is used to viewing!  Between us we took about 80 pictures during our two hour visit.  When we arrived home it was wonderful to discover he had aimed his camera at the larger over all scenery while my focus was on close ups of flowers, planters and color groupings.

We also took some time to catch up with friends we became acquainted with during our 13 winters of Snowbirding in Az!  We managed to have lunch with Ronita and Lloyd from St. Cloud and then met with Bill and LuAnn in Apple Valley on the way home and enjoyed an early evening meal in a restaurant patio!  What a way to enjoy an escape from home for a day!

Click here for more information about these gardens

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