Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Fish Sun Flower Fields 2021

 At last the nearest 2021 MN Fish Sun Flower Field is open in Albert Lea, MN!  We took a quick visit Saturday with a neighbor and enjoyed every minute there again this year.   The fields are only open for 10 days and with short notice as soon as they peak with the bloom time!  This was the last field  and 10th field planted this year opened last.  

We are trying to get a car pool to there for our Rochester Garden & Flower Club this week but having problems getting email notices out!  Darn!  The person who handles those emails is out of town this week it seems!

I understand these fields are growing in popularity in other areas of this country now!  They are planted in memory of different people in your lives.  One of these in Albert Lea is to recognize veterans!

For more information on the Sun Flower Fields CLICK HERE

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