Monday, January 18, 2021

Having faith in the future.....

Today's news is almost overwhelming with fear and uncertainty regarding the status of the Covid Pandemic in our country along with the challenges our country and it's Democracy is being faced with.

After watching the news today I walked down the hallway and facing me was my collection of indoor plants through the open doorway of a room.  On the top shelf was, the above picture, of a miniature orchid just beginning its first rebloom for me!  A big message of encouragement to remember my gardeners faith that in the future that come spring my plant friends will regrow to greet me with beauty!  I've continued to care for this plant having faith that it will rebloom in a year so I can enjoy its beauty!  And here it is, reminding me to look ahead with confidence.  

As I enjoy this orchid for the next few months, I am looking forward to being reminded of my trust and faith in the future will bring us thru the gray uncertain days ahead in our country.  We will survive, enjoy our lives and Democracy will continue to thrive.    


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