Thursday, January 14, 2021

2021 is here!

 I have been a bit busy so far this year because  I agreed to do another year term as 2021 Treasurer of our local Garden Club.  This had not been on my agenda as I planned, at this stage of my life (age 82), to step back from any leadership positions in my beloved organization for the past 20 years.  But, with the shortage of members willing to accept this job, I relented to do this one more year!  It is has been a busy time preparing for an audit and budget to be approved, so a few things have moved to my back burner, such as posting on my blog!

But, I am back but may have fewer monthly posts during the winter.  To kick off 2021 I just must share with you a recently created piece of  art by a gardener friend posted on her Facebook page!   I so love her art work and now she has taken on learning the art of calligraphy!  What a talented and inspiring woman!  This message instantly inspired me to share it with you to start off 2021!  

Karen_Sumie_Studio: products on www.Zazzle,com

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