Thursday, January 28, 2021

A time to plan and dream about spring!


So what are your dreams for spring this year?

My gardening neighbor, Tammy, is dreaming of a green house!  Actually she is drooling over what she is finding on the internet for sale and trying to figure out who she can get to assemble it!  

I am checking into a few webinars on line for new ideas and new plants to look for that might fit into my beds.  I may be losing some shade area due to a sick tree in my neighbor's yard, which provides lots of shade for my big hosta bed and also part shade for a bed along the garage!  So, wondering how that is going to change my growing conditions!  

Also looking into tips on growing hostas in more sun, which seems to be provide moisture, lots of moisture, at the base of the plants!  

Lots of new annuals I might look for as I mix those in to provide longer season of color among the perennials!  And occasionally looking at some smaller flowering shrubs to consider moving in that direction here and there towards less labor as I age more.  

Gardening always provides new plants and changes you can make each year to provide new interests and looks.  

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