Friday, April 24, 2020

More gift plants waking up!

Again, I am enjoying finding long term friends, plants given to me by dear friends, popping up to greet me as I clean off more garden beds!  Such a joy to recall treasured friends when I find the plants!  

Bluebells came into my garden life @16 years ago, from a treasured garden club member, Peg Lewis who passed away this spring.  In fact, I was her Vice President when she was President,  Then more recently another garden friend I met when I joined my Garden Club, Doris Amundson, added to my Bluebell collection!

Peg taught me lots of about floral design as that was her real passion.  I also recall her teaching a class on container gardening at the Mayowood Gardens when our committee was doing their annual planting of 45 containers on the grounds!  She was a petite lady, who was always so generous with her knowledge and love of gardening.

Doris I always enjoy being around.  She is a gifted quilting artist and passionate gardener.  I always make sure I stop and visit her during gardening season as she plants every inch of her yard and then fills a lot of driveway and path space with containers!  

Bluebells almost ready to open up!
I can't wait until Bluebell Time!  This year I'll have plenty of available time to take a drive to a nearby State Park to see their display.  And, then a visit my husband's favorite golf course that has a fabulous display in their woods bordering the course!  Maybe I'll find a few other friends to go along (with safe distancing) to enjoy the experience?  

Again I am reminded that joining the Rochester Garden and Flower Club was one of the best decisions I've ever made.  I don't know what I treasure the most, the gardening information I've learned, the events that have been fun or the fabulous friends I've made!

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