Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Silver lining in a dark cloud!

Recently it was a sad day for our committee as we made the game plan for canceling our Gardening Enrichment Day for 2020 that I shared with you a few days ago!  We all, knew deep down, this was coming but had just not taken the official steps of cancellation hoping a miracle might happen!   Our world crisis is causing lots of challenges in our lives!

I also received a phone cancellation of the last upcoming event that was on my calendar, which was to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.   I was expecting it to come and we had decided to cancel our reservation regardless.   But, it was nice to hear  “But, we will be planning a celebration when this pandemic is over!”

What a fantastic idea! Something to celebrate and plan with joy for later!  You might know, it came from a gardening business!  Gardeners have developed a wonderful faith in the future as gardening does plant that faith deep inside us when we plant our garden beds and grow crops!  I was reminded of this faith when I saw my Siberian Squill poking their heads up last week!   And again daily as I notice the winter survivors still green in the pots on my garage floor!
I am looking forward to next week when I plan to help my garage plant stash “wake up” from their winter nap!  It will be a leisure time of joy as I clean off the dead plant material, add a bit of slow release fertilizer, work in a bit of compost and make sure the soil is moist!  Then the daily checking to watch for the sleeping plants to poke up looking for daylight!  On warm sunny moments outside, they will get a treat when I roll them out to “catch a few rays”! 

What fun ahead next week to replace the “social” times that have been cancelled!

The door prize I created is now a reminder to me that gardening time is just ahead and my plant “friends” are coming back to visit for the summer and create abundant beauty in my world soon!  I think I’ll begin to plan a garden party to celebrate this pandemic event ending! 

Daffodils jumped in my grocery cart last week and I noticed lots of spring bulb pots and spring plants spreading beauty in their flower shop areas!  I encourage you to either pick one up when you are there or call your local grocery store, florist or garden center and order one for delivery to your home!  Let it be a beacon to remind you to keep your faith going for brighter times ahead! 

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