Saturday, March 28, 2020

Gray day, bit of cheer came knocking on my door!

Yep, I opened the door and there stood Marty, my neighbor across the street!  Clutched in her hand were two beautiful pink hyacinths and a handful of yellow daffies not open yet!  

Oh, the fragrance of the hyacinths was awesome!  What a day brightener!   All she said was that she had just been to Trader Joe's and handed them to me!

The next day the daffies opened and smiled at me, while the hyacinths continued to bathe me in their fragrance next to my favorite chair in the living room!  Their sunshine lit up my week indeed!

My granddaughter, Heather, was home recovering from a surgical procedure so I was inspired the next day while I was at Costco!  I grabbed one of their floral bouquets and stopped by her house to brighten up her day!  These days are short visits with very few words when I leave something at their door and quickly get back to the car!  Otherwise Facetime has become our family communication tool.

So, what have you been doing these rainy gray days this week?   I've been watching the grass turn green! 

And,  I've been busy on my computer gardening, so to speak!  An email from Minnesota State Horticulture Society with news of a free webinar on "Pollinator Plants and Gardens"!  Well, I quickly registered for that because I had been invited to help our neighborhood association participate with a small grant that will enable us to create three small pollinator gardens in our three neighborhood parks!  And then I shared the news of the free webinar!  I really am not "Up on" pollinators, etc.   So, learning I will do!

And it continued from there watching videos of "How to" garden stuff put on my our local Garden Center "Sargent's on 2nd!  Where there is a will there is a way....they had to close their store so they opened up their website and digital tools bucket to provide a way to market their inventory via pick up and delivery methods and continue their free gardening seminars!  Way to go!  They know we need to get our gardening "stuff" somehow to enjoy our spring!  

And then the emails from garden centers, gardening organizations, etc. with information and pictures of what is going on for spring, etc.!  And my list of "need to get" items is growing for my spring plans which are expanding!  What fun!  I hardly noticed the gray and rain out there!

So what new garden ideas have you gathered this last week?

With the cooler damp weather I shuffled my date to play with my garage stash of containers that have been trying to wake up from their winter naps!  I see sunshine on the agenda early next week, so being my schedule is pretty darn flexible with this "world crisis" keeping me at home..... you will find me answering the phone from the garage beginning on Monday!

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