Tuesday, March 3, 2020

House Plants 101

This week I attended a seminar put on by our local garden center, Sargent's on 2nd, to become a bit more current about house plants!

After 13 years without house plants, I was anxious to get with what was new in plants and plant care!  For only an hour seminar it covered loads of helpful information!  Neal did an excellent job identifying plants that like various light conditions and easy to grow plants from the ones that need a bit more attention along with those who present more challenges in care.  He also covered the new trends in house plants and various types of containers to display plants in.

Yep, I learned I  have a nice collection of easy to grow plants and a few who take a bit more care!  I got a few questions answered, which was helpful!

Also I purchased a new plant that caught my eye along with replacing a plant that had developed a problem.  My newer peperomia plant had brought along some spider mites and I had decided to get rid of it and the friends asap before they moved to any other plants!

My new plant, Aglaonema,  promises to be colorful and like my south facing window in the living room.  The larger plant I saw was awesome but I elected to start out with a smaller one and grow it out! The picture below is somewhat larger than the size I purchased.

Aglaonema Red

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