Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What a wonderful Day!

And just what is a wonderful day?   Well, it is a bus tour with 43 gardeners, most of whom I know, that I share the fun and passion for flower gardening with!  This meant meeting them to get on the bus at 7:30 AM on a Saturday morning, with a bag lunch, umbrella in case of rain, jacket, plant money in case I find some to purchase and a cell phone and so I can take pictures!  I was also ready to enjoy lots of yummy treats as we ride along thru the day!  We headed north to "the Cities" to take in a Public Garden in Wayzata, two awesome garden nurseries, meet a small garden club to spend a bit of time with and view their public garden bed projects and one of their members fantastic unusual private garden and home!  Once we got moving the treats started off with fresh fruit followed by sweet rolls/donuts and juice to be sure we have the energy to explore the public garden that is first on our stops!  Yes indeed this group knows how to travel!  Later we enjoyed Mary's annual home made sugar cookie treat!   (I hope my husband never has one of those, I'd lose him quickly for sure!)

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