Friday, June 14, 2019

Hostas and slugs....

Love my hostas!  Missing my 100 varieties I had growing at the cabin this year, but I did find a spot to move about six of my favorites to new homes here and they are doing just fine!

Right now they are absolutely beautiful as they have enjoyed our rainy spring!  Have the task of "feeding my livestock", the slugs, on my list today!  I use slug bait to fight back!  Although we clear all the foliage off the hosta beds in the fall, those eggs seem to winter over quite well!  Wouldn't it be nice if this last winter's  abundance of below freezing temps made a dent in them this year!  Time will tell but I don't want to risk waiting to armed and aiming to stop them in their tracks, or rather their munching!

Here are a few of my favorite hostas  I enjoyed visiting  along my stroll this morning!

'H. Goodness Gracious'

'H. Lakeside Paisley Print'
'H. Sun Power', a huge mature plant!

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