Thursday, January 17, 2019

Feeding the gardener's soul....

During January it is a joy to stroll among live growing plants, feast eyes upon colorful blooms, touch the soil, and smell the fragrance of growing plants and flowers!

Yep, sharing the day doing that with two snowbird friends (one from S.Dak. and one from Washington) makes it even sweeter.  Top it off with lunch out!  Yep the day is rated a big 10!

It is so helpful to have friends to assist with decisions on which plants to buy and share ideas about creating our winter gardens!  And, we do such a good job of enabling each other!

We have three months of growing season here to enjoy, so we load up our little lots and decks with the pleasures of our hobby!  Denny can have his winter golfing.....I have my winter gardening to do!

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