Sunday, January 13, 2019

Denny's AZ Gardening

We arrived in AZ just before New Year's Eve again!

This year Denny beat me to plant shopping!  The day we arrived he stopped at Home Depot on the way back from supper and picked up his AZ Amaryllis!  He used to collect them and keep them from year to year, which was fun in Jan. and Feb. to see his collection blooming during the MN winter!

So, he makes it a point to go looking for the "marked down" ones after the holidays once we get to AZ!  Before bedtime he had them planted and settled on the kitchen window ledge!

In just two weeks they are alive and reaching for that AZ sunshine!  As usual, one is growing quicker than the other one, which is nice as it extends how long we have blooms to enjoy!  A red one this year and a red and white one!

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