Wednesday, January 30, 2019

28 days later....

Denny's garden is growing and starting to bloom!  We removed this one from the full sun in the window so we can enjoy it longer!  His red and white amaryllis is in full bloom!

The Red one should be opening in a few days!

Now he has one more that he planted just a week ago and it is Apple Blossom, a pink/and white one.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

2019 Annual of the Year!

The Annual of the Year

Lemon Coral® Sedum
The Annual of the Year for 2019 is Lemon Coral® Sedum. If you've never grown this plant before you are in for a treat. Let's start with the bright, fresh, chartreuse foliage which always tempts me to pet it. It's just so very tactile!  Some sedums are spikey or otherwise prickly, but Lemon Coral is soft and remains so all season. Good vigor means that it will mix well with all kinds of plants in combination containers, and it is a fabulous container plant all by itself. Don't think of it as ONLY a container plant, though. It is wonderful in landscapes too. While it thrives in average moisture, it will tolerate drought stress with aplomb. It is an annual in most climates, but is hardy in zones 7-11. It performs well in full to part sun and will be a garden workhorse. Chartreuse works with every other color under the sun, so finding a spot, or ten, to use it, should be easy-peasy.

If you have not tried this plant I recommend you do!  It is simply delightful and always looks great for me!  I love the color, it really catches the eye!  Great accent with other plants and also alone in a planter by itself!  I think I have used it for three or four years now.  In fairy gardens even!  

Monday, January 21, 2019

Mail Box planters for AZ

Once again I have our signature planters out by the mailbox!  The golf theme brings smiles and announces a golfer is living here right now!

As usual, I can't resist a nice big colorful pot of red geraniums and expect the sunshine and a bit of Miracle Grow will have these flower buds popping full and opening soon!

The golf shoes were ready and waiting for this year's succulents!  Thanks Harriett, for storing them for me from last year.  Especially for cleaning them out so good before you tucked them away!  They looked like new shoes!  I really am admiring the different variety of succulent I used this year, the red color has developed fast in this sunshine and cooler temps!  They are happy indeed in their new home!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Feeding the gardener's soul....

During January it is a joy to stroll among live growing plants, feast eyes upon colorful blooms, touch the soil, and smell the fragrance of growing plants and flowers!

Yep, sharing the day doing that with two snowbird friends (one from S.Dak. and one from Washington) makes it even sweeter.  Top it off with lunch out!  Yep the day is rated a big 10!

It is so helpful to have friends to assist with decisions on which plants to buy and share ideas about creating our winter gardens!  And, we do such a good job of enabling each other!

We have three months of growing season here to enjoy, so we load up our little lots and decks with the pleasures of our hobby!  Denny can have his winter golfing.....I have my winter gardening to do!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Denny's AZ Gardening

We arrived in AZ just before New Year's Eve again!

This year Denny beat me to plant shopping!  The day we arrived he stopped at Home Depot on the way back from supper and picked up his AZ Amaryllis!  He used to collect them and keep them from year to year, which was fun in Jan. and Feb. to see his collection blooming during the MN winter!

So, he makes it a point to go looking for the "marked down" ones after the holidays once we get to AZ!  Before bedtime he had them planted and settled on the kitchen window ledge!

In just two weeks they are alive and reaching for that AZ sunshine!  As usual, one is growing quicker than the other one, which is nice as it extends how long we have blooms to enjoy!  A red one this year and a red and white one!