Saturday, April 15, 2017

Red Headed Irishman!

I simply love my Red Headed Irishman cactus!

He is now a year old and is such a joy!  But, maybe all red headed Irishmen are a joy?   I have no experience with real ones!  Thinking I am missing out!

I purchased him in Mesa, AZ a year ago and have watched it bloom two seasons now and grow fast!

He has almost doubled in size so not sure how much larger it will grow as it is reaching near the mature size in the information I located on the internet!

He sure is easy to take care of, and lived without water for 6 weeks this winter while we were in AZ!  I just made sure it was near a window, for what I hoped would be adequate light!  It must have loved the cooler temp as it survived just fine and is now blooming again!

The Red-Headed Irishman Cactus or Mammillaria Spinosissima is native to Guerrero, Mexico. It forms clumps of columns, densely spines with reddish-orange spines. It forms magenta flowers in late  winter and spring, providing a startling contrast. Keep warmer in winter.

Grows up to ten inches tall. This unique plant is a terrific center focal point. Very drought tolerant!

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