Sunday, July 10, 2016

World Cup!

We made our annual visit to the Meyer's gardens this year when it was on the June Shades of Green Hosta Society Member Only Tour!

So glad I had the opportunity to buy this hosta before Turkey Run Hostas business closes!  Jean asked if I wanted one when she told me it was due to be 'Hosta of the Year' for 2017!  I saw theirs previously and been been coveting it for a few years!  I finally decided I'd find a place for it somewhere!

I parked it in the ground at the lake for this summer, knowing it will get huge and I will need a special place for it later.  Well, I think I found the place so will have to get it settled in its new home before the summer is done!

This is a picture of my Denny standing behind the one in the Meyer's garden bed!  Wow!

For more information about H. World Cup CLICK HERE!

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