Sunday, July 31, 2016

Thalictrum....another small variety...

I have been unable to definitely identify the variety of this Thalictrum but want to share it.  I purchased it this spring at the Shades of Green Society's Hosta Sale but am not confident of the label being correct!  But, it has been great in my mini hosta bed as well as in several of my fairy gardens.

It seems to settle in about 12 inches tall but is a very prolific grower so am looking forward to it next year.  It makes a wonderful small tree shape and size for a fairy garden!  And is growing great directly in the garden bed!  Makes for a lovely filler for floral arrangements! 

My "Out of Africa" theme fairy garden.  Notice the tall plant in  the back.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Thactrium, the tiny side.....

Looking for a perennial as a companion plant to the Mini size Hostas?  Or, to use in Fairy Gardens? Or in a container?

Check this out!    Great for shade or part-shade environments! 

Thalictrium Kiusianum

1-3" tall
  Shade/Partial Shade
  Zone 4-8

A stoloniferous & dwarf species which produces mats of delicate green bronzed foliage hugging the ground up to 3" tall depending on growing conditions. Frothy lilac flowers on 3-4" stems bloom over a long period.

Friday, July 29, 2016


When asked what this plant is my response is "it is a Thalictrum" and that usually gets a response "WHAT?"

It is not one of the most common perennials but one that loves part-shade making it a good companion for hostas or in part shade environments.  The one pictured here has white flowers and was labeled Thalictrum Aquilegiflium, which blooms in purple-pink or white.  Mine blooms in white which is great with my home a gray background for it!  It blooms early summer or late spring so that is when I usually get questions.  The foliage is wonderful for floral arrangements!

Thalictrum is a genus of 120-200 species of herbaceous perennial flowering plants in the Ranunculaceae family native mostly to temperate regions. Meadow-rue is a common name for plants in this genus.

I also have found some miniature varieties that I am in love with and use in my Mini Hosta Bed and also in Fairy Gardens!  Check my next blog for pictures and information about those varieties!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

July means Phlox Time in Minnesota!

Note:  Just click on the above title "Over The Garden Gate" to find a more colorful looking post!

Recently I received an invitation to Mary's Garden, one of my favorite places to go each year!  This visit included lots of fun greeting garden friends from two of our local garden clubs!  Mary is not only well known in our community for her gardens, she knows how to whip up some tasty treats and cold drinks and has created a special spot to serve her guests!   

After greeting Mary and friends I finally made my way to my favorite part of her Heaven on Earth at the top of her hill!  Yep, to get to the lake (a huge man made swimmable pond) one has to travel a path that goes right through a large planting of Pink Garden Phlox.  The phlox are so happy there, I had to look up to take this awesome picture because they are so tall!  The fragrance is heavenly! 

Phlox is a genus of 67 species of perennial and annual plants in the family Polemoniaceae. They are found mostly in North America in diverse habitats from alpine tundra to open woodland and prairie. Some flower in spring, others in summer and fall. Flowers may be pale blue, violet, pink, bright red, or white. Many are fragrant.  They love our Minnesota sun and weather!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Great way to accent a hosta!

Barb sure found a way to draw attention to this beautiful hosta!  It is a real "eye catcher"!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

A fairy lives at Pam's also!

We stopped at Rita's daughter's home and I even found a fairy living in one of her container plantings! 

I love this one sitting on a little log with a furry friend near by enjoying a July day!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Cottage Gardening....

Doris is an expert at "Cottage style gardening"  Her beds are a constantly changing display of color and a variety of flowers always in bloom!  My friend, Pat and I  realized neither of us had been to visit Doris for a few years so we checked to see if she was home and arrived early enough to get a delightful visit in before rain drops chased us away!  Doris is always a great source of inspiration and information about her plants! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Fairies are appearing in more and more gardens!

Just click on the title above "Over The Garden Gate" to see a more colorful version of this blog!

While Rita has a large in ground Fairy Garden she has had a critter of some kind digging in it.  This charming one seems to be safer from critters?   Or are these fairies a bit more successful at fending off intruders?

Friday, July 15, 2016

A smile among Rita's hostas!

I've been visiting gardens of friends this week!  Practicing for the upcoming garden tours?

While admiring Rita's hosta's I had to stop and smile at Miss Froggy resting in the shade!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Stop and smell the flowers....

And, that's just what you can do at Pat's house!

She makes it easy for you to do....she even plants a garden bed in her boulevard and a raised bed along her front sidewalk!

While her love is hostas, and they are tucked in everywhere, she also loves flowers with lots of color!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tucked in a hosta bed....

It was fun to find this Fairy Garden tucked in among the hostas at the Hust's!

Monday, July 11, 2016

My Grama Jo

Growing up in an extended family home which included my mother's mother gave me many special memories!  The benefits definitely outweighed what must have been challenges with two adult women in the same home!  Actually, after my mother's death, I ended up with Grama Jo in my home for the last years of her life!  I recall telling my dad that if he ever wondered if his decision to include his mother-in-law in his home life had been a good one that I wanted him to know I thought it was priceless to us all through the years.

Each year on Memorial Day I plant three planters to place on three important graves of people that were in our lives.  My parents, Denny's parents, which usually end up with red flowers, and my Grandma Jo always gets one with pink flowers in it.  After Memorial Day I bring the planters home and the two red ones go to the lake and I think of those special people every time I water and deadhead them.  Grandma Jo's planter comes home and gets planted with a few additional plants at home and I think of her when I deadhead and water that one!  It's turned out to be a special way I keep those important people in my life and enjoy remembering so many treasured memories.

Grama Jo's planter 2016

Sunday, July 10, 2016

World Cup!

We made our annual visit to the Meyer's gardens this year when it was on the June Shades of Green Hosta Society Member Only Tour!

So glad I had the opportunity to buy this hosta before Turkey Run Hostas business closes!  Jean asked if I wanted one when she told me it was due to be 'Hosta of the Year' for 2017!  I saw theirs previously and been been coveting it for a few years!  I finally decided I'd find a place for it somewhere!

I parked it in the ground at the lake for this summer, knowing it will get huge and I will need a special place for it later.  Well, I think I found the place so will have to get it settled in its new home before the summer is done!

This is a picture of my Denny standing behind the one in the Meyer's garden bed!  Wow!

For more information about H. World Cup CLICK HERE!

Friday, July 8, 2016

A raised mini hosta bed!

Gee, I'm jealous!

What a great way to display those little ones!  And so easy on your body to take care of them!

I found this in the Hust Garden beds while on the June Shades of Green Hosta Society member tour!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Awesome Iris!

I found this beautiful sight while we were visiting Kurt and Tim's garden beds on our June Shades of Green Hosta Society's Member's Only Tour!

It was one of those "Oh My!" moments when I spotted it!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Fourth of July!

Perfect for today!   Found this patriotic planter at, my garden friend, Pat's home recently!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Lake Porch Pot 2016

We arrived at the cabin for the Fourth of July weekend to be welcomed by the Porch Pot I planted lookin' mighty fine!

Not bad for only five weeks growth!  Can't wait to see how it looks as it matures this summer!  It is a shady spot and this combination seems to be happy with this light condition! 

Thanks, Barb, for helping me pick out the companions for this begonia!


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Remembering Margie....

Last year one of my dearest friends moved permanently to Florida.  The hostas are fabulous this year so I am thinking of her often!  We shared an addiction to growing hostas!

This one is a gift from her before she left!  It's H. Allegan Fog and I love it.  I didn't have a place for it in the light conditions it needs so I planted it in a container so I can keep it on my porch/deck in the part shade there!  It's definitely happy in its new home and wintered over in the container just fine! 

For more information about H. Allegan Fog CLICK HERE!