Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Fairy Gardens featuring Desert Succulents

My AZ snowbird friend, Jan, from Oregon and I checked out a Fairy Garden Exhibit featuring desert succulents at a popular Botanical Garden!  We both are into Fairy Gardens and gardening so off we went with my husband, Denny as our transportation guy! 

Jan and I decided we rated the few hours we shared at this event a score of 10!  Not only did we get to see a nice display of Fairy Gardens but we ended up in a section of the Botanical Garden that we had not been in before!  So, we had lots of photo ops!  It was a hot day but the area we were in was fairly shady and we had a nice soft breeze to enjoy!  What more do we need to rate it a 10!  No cold beer to enjoy so that left it only a 10 and not a 10+!

This darling bit of heaven was created using just fresh cuttings of succulents!

For information about the Boyce Thompson Botanical Garden CLICK HERE!

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