Sunday, April 24, 2016


A friend of mine, Pat, had this adorable wooden planter and had not figured out what to do with it yet, so she asked me if I'd like to see what I could come up with for it!

Well, while in AZ this winter, it dawned on me that succulents might be the best answer to this challenge because it required small pots.  Small potted plants find it difficult to survive at my house because every planter has to be able to handle up to 4 days in July/August without water!  So, I picked up four cactus (which three of them the happen to flower readily! I just got their special new home all set up for them!   They have such catchy names I'll have to figure out some neat signage for them!

This will have to come inside for winter but will be comfy outside in MN during temps at 40 degrees and higher!

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