Monday, November 2, 2015

What a difference a month makes!

Snow in the air today!  

It's a typical late fall, early winter day, gray, rainy and dreary. I decided to take a picture when I went out to check the status of the hosta leaves.  I'm waiting for them all to lay down and dry up a bit so we can just take half an hour and pick them up and haul them to the compost site!  This way those slug eggs that are carefully left under the leaves to winter over, so they can feast on my hostas next spring,  won't be so protected from our MN winter!  There will be less that survive!  I'm not into all the work of  cutting off the leaves, it's  easier just to pick them up!  And I don't risk passing a disease from one plant to another.

I just had to come in and look at pictures taken this summer to remind myself what awaits me after they wake up again in the spring!  Sleep well my friends!

Oct 29 2015

Hosta Guacamole and Clematis Huldine

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