Sunday, November 8, 2015

Christmas at Mayowood

The Olmsted County Historical Society in Rochester, MN. is once again preparing for their annual fundraiser Christmas Tour of our Mayowood Mansion.  

Each year the rooms are decorated by volunteers and volunteer community organizations for a special treat for visitors to tour Mayowood Mansion at its finest and happiest all decked out for the holidays!

This year I ended up helping two friends who are on the Rochester Garden and Flower Club's Mayowood Christmas committee.  Cindy and Judy had the responsibility to contribute a winter fairy garden to the room the committee had been chosen to decorate!  I had plants I could donate, Cindy contributed the base and potting soil while Judy lent the project the accessories.  Together we made it happen and had lots of fun.  We are not allowed to take pictures inside the mansion, so you'll have to get tickets to tour and see all the festive decorations!

If you attend the Mayowood Christmas Tour this year, be sure to look for this winter fairy garden in one of the many bedrooms and then take special notice of rest of the beautiful decor in that bedroom and admire the beautiful decorating skills of the RGFC Committee!

It is so nice to see all the restorations and renovations at Mayowood Mansion!  It has once again become a home filled with light and life.  Thank you Mayo Clinic!

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