Sunday, June 7, 2015


Our 9th Annual Hosta Sale was June 6th!

What a fun 1 1/2 days helping our Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN share their hostas with the rest of the community!

We set up Friday beginning at noon until about 7:30 PM and opened to the public Saturday morning at 8 AM to a long line of customers waiting at the door!  By noon we had cleared the building of plants, people and clutter and had sold just over $12,000 of plants!  All plants were donations from members own  gardens, which means mature and stable plants ready for new homes!

Most of all we enjoyed the teamwork, comradery, fun and fantastic food to keep our energy up!

Proceeds help fund our community gardening projects, scholarships in Horticulture and research on growing Hostas!  What a satisfying achievement again this year!

This picture was taken just before our sale started and not all volunteers who helped on set up were there!

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