Tuesday, June 30, 2015

And we stopped to smell the flowers at Mona and Rick's also....

I was delighted to take a stop at these garden beds....always get there once a year to admire the mature ferns, hostas and peaceful atmosphere with spots of  lilies lighting things up!

This year the show stopper seemed to be the Martagon Lily 'Terrace City' that was in peak bloom!  Martagon's are perfect companions for shade gardens as they love half shade during the day!

'Terrace City' was really strutting it's stuff!  Way over the projected 4' height, this mature clump was loaded with blossoms sparkling in a few rays of sun that were peeking through yet!

Even a Monarch couldn't resist a visit!

To enter my blog and see options to view past postings and leave comments  go to the bottom of this email  and click on Over the Garden Gate 

For more information about Martagon lilies:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stopping to smell the flowers....

Another stop in the Shades of Green Hosta  Society Member's Tour!

While Linda's gardens are primarily shade beds, there are always rays of sunshine streaming in to light up the scene and Linda has the perfect touch with  her fence of suns!

To enter my blog and see options to view past postings and leave comments  go to the bottom of this email  and click on Over the Garden Gate 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Stop and smell the flowers along the way!

We did just that the other evening!  Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN had their June Members Only Garden Tour!  A few of us met for a socialable supper before heading to 3 gardens to view!  Lots of beautiful hostas as well as flowers!

These soft pink Astilbe's were a show stopper at Alma's!

Perfect companions!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Protection for roses in winter

Last winter I posted my friend Rita's new winter protection for her roses.  How did it work for her?
Well, here is one of the rose bushes that was protected under her new covers!

Here is what I posted last winter with her roses all tucked away in their new winter homes:

email me if you want details on where she got the covers from, etc.   gramakj@charter.net

Monday, June 22, 2015

Meet Mrs. Cholmondeley, my English friend!

My Japanese lady friend 'Asao' has finished her first bloom but shares a large trellis with 'Mrs. Cholmondeley' who is now appearing for her first visit this year!  These two lady friends have a brief conversation together before 'Asao' takes a rest letting 'Mrs. Chombley' take over the conversation!

I listened to my friend, Betty, talking about 'Mrs. Cholmondeley' with such enthusiasm so often that when I found her for sale, I decided to bring her home!  So glad I did!  I so enjoy her visits!

For more information on her:  http://www.clematis.com.pl/en/encyklopedia?view=plant&plantid=235

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bridal shower for a gardener

So, what do you give the gardener bride-to-be for a gift at a bridal shower?

Thursday, June 18, 2015

She shed!

Betty now has her own 'She Shed'!  I don't have one!  Do you?  I want one and don't have space for it so I can only wish!

Her husband built a new shed to store mowers in and a section was built for Betty to enjoy as a 'She Shed"!  She can grow plants in it year around!  How fun!  We had coffee out there the other day so I had a chance to admire what is going on there!  

This awesome water garden was created when she visited our local Habitat for Humanity Resale Shop!  She found this huge planter, which had a former life at Apache Mall, for only $35.  It is now a working water garden complete with gold fish.  The water in it is used to water nearby plants with fresh water replacing the old water!  Healthy fish and plants with creativity!   Oh my!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Neighbors working together

create an eye-catching garden bed that meets on their lot line!

Two different styles of gardening blending together enhances both yards.

The gardener on the left has created a rain garden while the other gardener used a more traditional style and yet it all works together and is a beautiful
asset to both yards.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Fairy Gardening Workshop

This week I conducted a workshop on Fairy Gardening and Miniature Gardening for the Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN.  It was held at my home where it was easier for me to use the 20 gardens I have created so far this year as examples.

While I was worrying about  potential rain causing a problem, I wasn't anticipating 90+ degrees that evening!  We have not had 90 degree temperatures for 18 months! 

20 dedicated attendees showed up with lawn chairs and stayed inspite of the heat!  Needless to say, I managed to be done with my class within an hour! 

Best of all, "My Josie" came and I was able to introduce her when I showed pictures of some of her fairy gardens!  

Friday, June 12, 2015

Shades of indigo blue

 caught my eye in Cindy's garden this last week!

This sight brought forth memories of my granddaughter's wedding.  She had asked me to make a few bouquets for her wedding reception which led me to asking Cindy if I could harvest some foliage from her Baptisia.  Cindy responded telling me her Baptisia would be honored to be at my Heather's wedding reception!

It is interesting to learn why the common names this plant has are wild indigo or false indigo   Europeans used to pay Americans to grow it, for the dye they made from the blue flowers. That's why it's called False Indigo. Indigo was expensive and Baptisia grew like a weed.

Baptisia australis’                

For more information on this plant:  http://www.perennials.com/plants/baptisia-australis.html

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Tis Climatis Time!

When  I arrived at Cindy's to check out her peonies, this greeted me when I got out of my car!  It is right by her mailbox so the mail person gets a treat every day right now!

Monday, June 8, 2015

My peony.....

Well, actually it is my husband's peony plant!  A gift from his friend, Reggie, who shared his plant a few years ago. 

I simply love the color and always cut a few for in the house.  This is what my desk looks like as I am working on blog postings today!  It's taking me a long time to write a few posts as I have to keep burying my nose in the blossom!

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Our 9th Annual Hosta Sale was June 6th!

What a fun 1 1/2 days helping our Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN share their hostas with the rest of the community!

We set up Friday beginning at noon until about 7:30 PM and opened to the public Saturday morning at 8 AM to a long line of customers waiting at the door!  By noon we had cleared the building of plants, people and clutter and had sold just over $12,000 of plants!  All plants were donations from members own  gardens, which means mature and stable plants ready for new homes!

Most of all we enjoyed the teamwork, comradery, fun and fantastic food to keep our energy up!

Proceeds help fund our community gardening projects, scholarships in Horticulture and research on growing Hostas!  What a satisfying achievement again this year!

This picture was taken just before our sale started and not all volunteers who helped on set up were there!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Peony Time!

Whenever I think of Peonies, I think of my gardening friend, Cindy!  She has this big row of absolutely spectacular white peonies!   I crave their fragrance so I absolutely must make a visit to her garden beds whether she is home or not!  Thank goodness she is only a few blocks away!

Cindy taught me that you can pick peonies about the stage where the bud begins to show the flower, wrap them in newspaper and stash it in your refrigerator until you want to enjoy a flower.  Then take it out of the refrigerator, make a fresh cut on the stem end and park it in water.....it will open then!  So, you can extend the peony season enjoyment!