Monday, November 15, 2021

The bright color of fall....


Our maple tree keeps its leaves until the rest of the trees are almost bare and then it rains a beautiful fall color by dropping almost all its leaves within three days!  Such fun to watch it raining color in sunshine against blue skies right outside our living room windows!  

Then when the green grass under it was piled of color...a windy day came along and blew them away so made of minimum last raking duty this year!  Don't know where they went but all the front yards in our neighborhood suddenly were minus leaves on their green carpet and we all smiled at mother nature's gift of the wind at the right moment!

I so love this birdhouse and keep it facing the living room window to enjoy it's unique design.  Can't say the birds are attracted to it and that's OK as it should maintain its beauty or many years to enjoy!

Almost time to move it under the protection of the inside of the garage for the winter!

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