Monday, July 19, 2021

Garden Lunch Time

 Last year during the Pandemic a group of gals from the Hosta Club I belong to decided to start having Covid Garden Lunch Times!  

We'd show up with chairs and lunch in a bag and sit safe distanced to visit, it was a great way to stay in touch in the summer of 2020!

Well, such a fun thing has started again for 2021, but we are not so safe distancing now and it is easier to talk!  Recently, my friend Joan ended up with 16 of us to admire her hosta beds at lunch time!

It's thanks to Joan that I got involved as a charter member of this Shades of Green Hosta Society of SE MN!  Joan had heard about it forming and invited me to go with her to their second meeting to get this going!  And thus our hosta collections began and while we were doing this we have been collecting a fabulous bunch of friends and enjoying lots of fun!

I also have these two below pictured hostas but Joan's obviously like her farm country soil better than mine like my city clay soil!

Hosta Ivory Coast

Planter in Joan's garden bed!

A huge Hosta Praying Hands!

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