Thursday, July 8, 2021

A bit of minature magic!

 Our garden club has an annual event in August each year.  Primarily a social time, with some food, a plant swap and usually a theme that  sometimes encourages clothing accessories, etc.  We always have a good turn out.  Last year it was a Covid Garden Party at the home of the committee chair.  We all brought our own chairs and enjoyed socializing safe distances while touring her garden beds, eating packaged ice cream treats and a plant swap!  Everyone showed up early, so we were anxious to greet our gardening friends we had not been able to see all summer!

2021, after a year without meetings due to the Covid Pandemic, we are focusing on social time with a light meal, plant swap and something new!  There will be a silent auction for 9 different miniature or fairy gardens recently planted by some of the committee members!  It was a fun evening workshop and I was invited to share a few tips on design and planting tips, which was a wonderful experience with such a creative group of gals!  Now they get to take care of their gardens and come up with a fun creative name for each of their creations before mid August!  There are different themes such as  a succulent garden, a beach scene, etc.  

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