Tuesday, June 22, 2021

After several weeks of high 80's and low 90's....today it is in the 70's!

 Oh, what a joy to get up this morning later at my normal time! 

 We also had a welcome 1" of rain late yesterday, so with the combined moisture and low temperature, I didn't have to get up to water containers so early when it was cooler!  Jeans and sweat shirt are a welcome change of clothing!   

So, I was able to spend more time out there and finally got caught up removing the ugly deformed hosta leaves resulting from a early spring frost when they were coming up!  With 100 varieties of hostas out there, it takes a bit of time to do that.  I think I removed leaves enough to equal a huge hosta!  They looks so much happier!  And I am also much happier!

 Now to catch up with some weeding!

I had finally finished creating my miniature/fairy gardens last week, which is late in the season for me.  And that meant cleaning up my back porch with it's potting mess.   I just can't handle the high temps...so had been working in early mornings and in short bursts and trying to ignore the other chores beyond watering containers!

I have some potted sun flowers to get in yet, so hope to get that done this afternoon.  They are for my volunteer attending a pollinator garden in a nearby neighborhood park and for a small flower bed at the entrance to our neighborhood.  I was afraid they would not survive that heat with their small root structure yet and was also not up to the work of carrying water to them frequently!  Hopefully the cooler weather will let those roots dig deep this week!

H. Sun Power

H. Climax  

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