Tuesday, March 16, 2021

At last spring has sprung in SE Minnesota!

 And just as it was springing, my computer was not happy and very tired.  The hard drive was threating to die and the screen was flashing interesting warnings at me!   So, into the Computer Doctor Shop it went and after diagnosis and surgery replacing the hard drive, week + later it is back and regained its memory and instructions of  just what I wanted it to do for me.....  I am back at it!  (It goes back for a short adjustment tomorrow tho!)  And thanks also for my personal tech support person (granddaughter) helping me out!

This was all just in time to experience a record breaking 65 degrees outdoors that sent that white stuff melting into the ground so we could see green grass!  

So I took a slow tour outdoors of all my flower beds and was to excited to see some green shoots poking up already!   I found some daffies and lots of my favorite spring bulbs poking up to greet me again!    I plan to move a few beginner patches of spring bulbs to the Pollinator Garden Bed I adopted in our neighborhood park near here.  I think they will enjoy spreading their wings and joy where walkers can spot them when they bloom!   Hope to do that this next week!

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