Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Are you Zooming it up on gardening information and inspiration?

 Gosh but it has been fun checking out the various free or low cost opportunities on the internet for getting in on some gardening learning and inspiration.  So many of our state Master Gardener Groups are making so many Zoom Seminars available this late winter! 

I just attended one on "Gardening on a deck" and it was filled with lots of tips and ideas to consider and ending with lots of questions and answers.  I find these seminars have very knowledgeable gardeners presenting!  The one tonite had over 100 people zooming into it!  Some are quite informal and some are very professionally done but all equally interesting and full of good information.  

As I walked thru the garage today I noticed I should get some snow scooped up and added to the various fairy and miniature landscape gardens I have in pots tucked away waiting for spring!  That seems to work well to add a bit of welcome moisture to them.  It is wonderful to see our white stuff disappearing fast this week since we are going thru a warm up.  We should be hitting the low 40's by this weekend here in SE MN!  Yipeeee!    

Ionite I noticed, while I lowered the shade in my office window, plants coming into view out there along the fence where the snow has melted!  Wheeeee!

Meanwhile, I enjoyed one more hyacinth coming into bloom in the living room!  The fragrance was delightful!

I Just finished getting my computer set back up and working!  It has been a whole week without it because it was into the computer doctor shop for a new hard drive installation.  I even had to do a bit of house cleaning to keep occupied this week!  (cleaned out the inside of all my kitchen cupboards)

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