Saturday, August 8, 2020

Rhubarb Time

It is still time for celebrating Rhubarb in Minnesota!

Yes, like most of us of my generation in Minnesota, we had a huge rhubarb plant in our back yard.  One of my fondest memories was Grandma Jo's two crust rhubarb pie!  I loved it warm out of the oven as well as the extra cold piece stashed in the refrigerator over night!  

How I reached 81 years old and never made what is known as rhubarb sauce, or rhubarb compote I don't know, but I found a recipe on Facebook that inspired me to buy some rhubarb at the farmers market recently!  I think it was the small amount and the use of it as a topping for ice cream, pancakes, etc. that caught my attention!  I will confess I added a sprinkle of pecans on the ice cream also!

So, I've been enjoying a scoop of vanilla ice cream with a spoonful of this rhubarb compote on top!  

Then I got a gift of 18 huge long stalks of rhubarb from a previous neighbor at the lake!
Yep, found the recipe Grandma Jo used to make and enjoyed sharing it with two neighbor women with some ice cream on top!  One day we had it warm out of the oven and the next day finished off the pie cold right out of the refrigerator!  They assured me they were ready to help me eat pie again whenever I wanted help eating it!

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