Thursday, August 6, 2020

Naked Ladies in my garden!

Yes, Denny hurried out to look when I said "Naked Ladies in my garden bed now!"!!!!

I suspect he was a bit disappointed to find a lovely pink lily blooming where I pointed for him to look!

Thanks Deb for giving me my "Naked Lady Lily" this spring.  I had one once upon a time and she never came up again!   Now I have this one marked so I know where I planted it and can protect it!
Lovely indeed.   But, then when Denny went out early this AM to check his trap line (for mice) he discovered this lily laying down and completely severed low on the stem!   So, I rescued it quickly and gave it a home in a bud vase!  Hope it likes its temporary home and longer life for me to enjoy!

Do you have a Naked Lady in your garden bed?

For more information about this plant CLICK HERE!

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