Friday, December 13, 2019

Winter Porch Pot lit!

Yep, I lit up my porch pot and hanging basket, thanks to Denny's creative holiday lighting set up outside!

Love the effect in the porch pot!  It was a tip I learned in a class in Nov.!  Instead of sprinkling a string of lights throughout the pot, I took a string of 100 mini lights and gathered up groups of 15 lights in a bunch and used a rubber band to hold them together, then moved on about 6-8 more lights in the string and gathered another bunch of 15, etc.  Then when the pot was arranged, I just dropped those lights down here and there in the pot, which provided a different lighting effect.  I really like it!

The hanging basket I just did the usual, sprinkle the light string all over.  I think next year I'll do the gathering trick in the hanging basket also.   I so enjoy the hanging basket as it is visible through the window in the living room!

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