Friday, December 20, 2019

I am doing a Happy Dance!

Thank you, Jennifer!  Next door we've had a huge old maple tree ever since we moved in here 35 years ago.  You can't believe the amount of maple seeds that buried much of my garden beds every spring!  And also collected on our roof and plugged up our gutters!  To make a long story short, due to portions of the tree coming down during storms, it has become a safety hazard so is on its last step in removal!  It is 18 degrees out there today and those tree guys are working hard to finish taking it down!  Brrrrrr!  But I am so very happy!  The end of 35 years of removing maple tree seeds every spring!

I am  looking forward to my first spring without tons of maple seeds to remove!  And how they loved to bury themselves in the base of my hostas, which required removal by hand to reach each one!  And then later the number of trees that start growing was  also quite the crop and sometimes growing entwined in perennial plants!  That was a real challenge to remove because you don't see them until they are quite big which requires the whole plant to be dug up to get the roots of the tree that have become tangled in the plant roots!

I am sure the cost of the four tree removal events for this monster has been at least $7,000 over the last 10 years.  The yard is totally fenced in so earlier this year required a huge crane to take down and remove major portions of it.

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