Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gobble, Gobble.....

Wishing each of you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving Season!

May you all be enjoying friends and family during this time of appreciation of all those who have been in your life!  

I am thankful this year to be celebrating three special family members who are with us today to hug!  Tim, my son-in-law who is doing just great following his double lung transplant three years ago, Ted, my grandson, who is just a one year survivor of a heart valve transplant and also a liver transplant!  And Brett, our grand son-in-law who had a sudden stroke late this summer while at work and is on the road to recovery!  What's with these younger men in our lives?  Not sure, but we are all sure appreciating their smiling faces at the dinner table today!

And thankful for those who provided the gift of life so these guys can still enjoy life with us!    I know their families are missing them at their table. Our heartfelt  thanks to them!

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