Saturday, November 3, 2018

Are your garden beds ready for their winter's nap?

This hosta bed has about 50 hostas in it! Many of them are big ones!
Thank goodness 90% of our garden beds were all ready for winter before our car accident!

Denny had to finish the job and take care of the lawn/leaves himself this year.   The hosta bed looks pretty empty but we do it the easy way because I have about 100 hostas!  I like to get those leaves off so the slug eggs are exposed to winter temps so they don't survive so well.  Plus,  I don't like removing the dead hosta leaves in the spring and risk stepping on the early rising pips hiding under the dead leaves!   So, we wait until after a killing frost and most of them drying up so all we have to do is pick the leaves up easily and dispose of them in our city compost dump!  Sure is less work than cutting them off and cleaning/disinfecting the cutter blades between each plant to avoid spreading any diseases that may be hiding in the plants!

Looks  pretty dull out there but come spring it will be colorful with spring bulbs of all kinds that peak up to greet the season before the hostas pop up!

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