Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I am back again......

Sorry about the sudden break in posts since mid October!

We had a intersection auto accident recently, which caused a few challenges resulting in my not being able to spend much time using my computer, etc.   Denny was not injured but our car was totaled out.  I had the opportunity to observe the Jaws of Life in action very close up and personal!

However, my physical challenges have improved and the added challenges of recovering from cataract surgery in both eyes the last weeks have given my eyes some wonky vision issues to deal with also!

The good news is recovery from both issues is in progress so I am able to restart my posts again!

Attached are pics of our accident results, which has left me feeling very lucky.  Not lucky to have the accident, but my injuries are much less than one could expect from the looks of our car!
Thank goodness for seatbelts, air bags, talented rescue people and skilled medical staff!  I was only in the hospital for one day, and was able to transfer from a metro area ER to home base of St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester!  Two fractured ribs, a fracture in left foot and two fractures in the right foot/leg with additional bruises of various sizes are on the mend!  Without complications I should be all  healed by Xmas!  And I am so grateful to be in "boots" instead of non-weight bearing casts!  Not exactly dancing the light fantastic but using a walker and wheelchair and ramp to get into and out of the house has me being somewhat mobile!  Not pushing the activity level until I get confirmation on the healing of the right foot/leg area, which is the place for complications to happen!

So grateful for so many friends and family who became aware of this situation thru Facebook posts!
Their good wishes have been appreciated.   I am so grateful for a husband that not only can but will step up to be my caretaker!  He is a blessing in my life, as usual!  The car has been replaced and we found a "twin" including the same colors, only 1 year newer with extra bells and whistles and similar low miles on it.  We really liked the car we had!

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