Thursday, October 12, 2017

Surprised at Shades of Green Hosta Society meeting!

I was awarded a "Certificate of Appreciation" as a thank you for the dedication and participation in supporting events since our organization was formed! 

WOW!  As a Charter Member I've enjoyed the many events and meetings we've had!  It's not been's been fun and rewarding.  Most of all I enjoy the many new friends who have come into my life because of my involvement!  My favorite activity is our annual fundraiser "Hosta Sale".   

Now to figure out how to spend the $50 Visa Gift Card that came with the honor!  Then my name was drawn for a door prize and I ended up with a beautiful folding yard wagon!  What an evening!

What an honor to have Cindy Tomashek present this to me.
She is the founder of our organization!

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