Friday, October 6, 2017

Bringing houseplants inside that have been outdoors.....

The season is here where outdoor temps are dropping and becoming not so comfy for our indoor plants that have been enjoying the summer outdoor weather!  

Time for me to prepare my fairy gardens for the Minnesota weather we are transitioning into!

First I need to select any fairy gardens that are OK for indoor living.   The one pictured below I planted with all indoor plants while I was in AZ in January.  It spent a few months (March, April and part of May) indoors in MN but enjoyed our MN spring, summer and early fall outdoors!  It is in such good shape that I think I should enjoy it indoors for awhile.  I think there is sufficient light in the living room by my big window which faces south!

So, I need to be sure I'm not bringing in any little critters that may have been living with the fairies out there as well as doing a bit of pruning.  I'll be parking it in a big plastic bag and then spraying it with a good insecticide and closing it up for a few days before I bring it inside.  That works for me!

Do you have some plants or planters outdoors that you'd like to enjoy indoors for awhile or the winter?

I found the below link with great tips on how to bring those plants indoors that I want to share with you.

Tips for moving plants indoors from outdoors CLICK HERE

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