Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Plant Sale Day!

We hold our sale in one of the buildings at our fair grounds on a Wed. from 4 PM to 7:30 PM and Thurs. 8 AM to Noon.  It takes a day and a half to collect all the donations and get them arranged and priced for the sale, which becomes a fun time of work and networking among our members. 

At 4 PM when it is time to open the door, we are greeted with a long line of customers waiting impatiently to shop!  This year our total sales were $12,800!  Amazing isn't it?  Lots of work but so satisfying.  Proceeds are used to fund our various community projects which includes $2,000 in scholarships at our local college in their horticulture program!  

Customers waiting for the sale to start!

Members waiting to assist customers!
I am standing far left!

The hosta section ready for customers!
This is the area I am in charge of!

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